Environmental Policy and Planning Commission


The Environmental Policy and Planning Commission (EPPC) is an advisory board to the ASUCD Senate comprised of nine members and up to four alternates. It is responsible for researching environmental issues affecting the campus and its surrounding area, as well as providing recommendations for improvement. EPPC is committed to creating new and enforcing past environmental legislation. The EPPC aims to provide environmental education and outreach in order to better inform students and the campus community about the environment and relevant issues. EPPC works with students, administration, ASUCD, student environmental groups, the City of Davis, and other relevant bodies in order to better recognize and address the environmental concerns of the campus and its community as well as to encourage collaboration in working toward the creation of a more sustainable environment.


Mondays, 12:00-1:30 PM in the Moss Room
Government Documents


Tuesday 10:30- 12 on Zoom and by appointment via email.


Email: eppc@asucd.ucdavis.edu
Office: 336 Memorial Union


ChairpersonAnnie KanjamalaShe/Hereppc@asucd.ucdavis.edu Spring Quarter
Vice ChairpersonSriya BatchuShe/Hersribatchu@ucdavis.edu Fall Quarter
Member 3Meron GebreShe/Hermtgebre@ucdavis.edu Fall Quarter
Member 4Kelsey MeyerShe/Herklmmeyer@ucdavis.edu Fall Quarter
Member 5Piper MillsShe/Herpijmills@ucdavis.edu Fall Quarter
Member 6Emma RoginskiShe/Herecroginski@ucdavis.edu Fall Quarter
Member 7Nic SardoHe/Himnasardo@ucdavis.edu Fall Quarter
Member 8Ivy SchlosserShe/Herivyschlosser@ucdavis.edu Fall Quarter
Member 9Thomas WongHe/Himtmjwong@ucdavis.edu Fall Quarter
Alternate 1Emily McDonaldShe/Heremmcdonald@ucdavis.edu Fall Quarter
Alternate 2Ellie NohShe/Hereenoh@ucdavis.edu Fall Quarter
Alternate 3Annapurna SivaShe/Herasiva@ucdavis.edu Fall Quarter
Alternate 4Benjamin WyndHe/Himbewynd@ucdavis.edu Fall Quarter